The foundation of link building

Over the years, more and more people have practiced the art of link building, and although there are a lot of different ways to acquire those links, there are several universal guidelines to make link building more effective. The critical factors of a good backlink are relevance and authority.

But what is link building? The answer is simple. In order to improve search engine visibility, we can create one-way hyperlinks to a website. Some of the most popular strategies include email outreach, broken link building, content marketing, and public relations.

Twenty years ago, when Google started, links were a major part of Google’s algorithm. If we think about it, it makes sense to rank domains with the most relevant backlinks because it shows the popularity of each website.

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In today’s world, link building is part of every marketing strategy and, apart from that, one of the most efficient ways to build authority. It has become quite a sophisticated technique, and the reason behind that is that in order for a link to be a “quality link,” there must be high relevance between the two websites. In other words, if website A links to website B, there has to be a clear reason for that link to exist.

Although there are many ways to improve your on-page SEO, backlinks remain one of the most significant ranking factors in Google’s algorithm. But we have to understand that there are constant updates in the system, which means we have to adjust our approach each time. Small steps at a time may transform a mediocre campaign into a successful one.

One reasonable question for all the marketers out there would be: So, what is a high-quality link? How can I build one?

So here we go to the next part where I will explain what the key factors that transform a mediocre link to a high-quality one are. Keep reading people…

The Research behind High-Quality Links

We can talk about all these link building techniques for 2020, but if we don’t understand that quality is over quantity, we will end up harming our website rather than skyrocketing it. That’s why it is crucial to understand what makes a good link and aim for those valuable resources.

Here’s how to find links that are worth building:

● Authority of the Page.

When a page links back to your website, what matters most is the authority of that domain. In other words, the more authoritative a page is, the more authority will be passed to your site

● Relevancy of the Site.

When you get a backlink from a website, you should always make sure it’s related to your site. What I mean is that the two websites have to be in the same niche for that link to be powerful.

● Link’s Position on the Page.

From what I found, the link’s position also plays a vital role in the quality of a link. More specifically, links in the sidebars or the footer have less quality. The main focus should be for a link to be placed in the middle of a page’s body content.

● Link Anchor Text.

Anchor text is the visible characters and words that link to another document or website. Anchor text can be essential for the search engines but also for the users to understand the context of the link’s destination.

● Link From a Guest Post.

Guest posting can help you rank but you have to follow certain rules. Try to publish valuable content on an authoritative and relevant website. Avoid posting on sites unrelated to yours or sites that exist only to publish guest posts as these can make guest posting spammy and raise a red flag in Google’s algorithm.

● Nofollow vs. Dofollow.

It’s common sense, but you have to make sure that all of the links that send traffic to your site are do-follow links. Nofollow links are links that don’t count as an endorsement in simple terms.

Now that we know what quality links are all about, we have to start building them.

How to Get High-quality Links With Content Marketing

In most cases, content is king, and for that reason, we have to understand what our tools in this kind of situation are. Valuable content can generate a lot of backlinks, but there is a catch. Just publishing content isn’t enough for link building. We have to focus our efforts on the material that our potential readers would engage with and take action. Certain types of content tend to work best in the link building game.

Here are some of the types to test out for yourself:

● Create visual content.

Visuals such as images, diagrams, or infographics are one of the best ways to acquire plenty of backlinks. When someone shares your infographic, for example, you get a link back to your site. Sounds great, right? It is!

● List Posts.

A list of techniques, tips, or steps about a topic is another great way to drive a lot of juice to your site. The reason behind this is that there is a ton of value in this type of post. Their format is understandable and engaging, and thus more people want to share it. Simple as that.

● Original Research.

Everyone wants to learn industry news, and most of them would love to share them with their audiences. So, why don’t you become an industry expert and share valuable information on your niche? This could generate a lot of backlinks from authoritative sites which will be more than happy to promote your original content.

● In-depth Guides.

A comprehensive resource that covers everything in a particular topic packs an insane amount of information in one place. This automatically makes you the number one source for this topic.

Building Powerful Links With Email Outreach

One of the best ways to build backlinks for your website is by using the old traditional email. This tool is extremely underrated and could give you a competitive advantage if used correctly. The problem with this technique is that it is possible to end up in the spam folder, which is a scenario that should be avoided.

Bloggers and journalists are out there searching for their next article to write about, but also for useful resources to add them to their blog. But how can we find these opportunities in order to create some sort of relationship with them? The answer is simple. By using all the necessary tools we got and by leveraging technology.

The first thing we got to do is research potential newspapers, blogs, and websites that would be interested in our content. We can do that by using our old friend Google and tools like Ahrefs.

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Go to google and search for a target keyword in your niche that could link back to your recent content. Grab the first link and use Ahrefs to find the backlinks of that particular URL. These websites are opportunities that could link back to your content. So, what’s next?

We have to find their email addresses. To do that, we can use Go to their URL and let the tool do its magic. We now have some contacts to continue with our process.

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The next step is the last one and probably the hardest one. We have to create an email template with personalized fields to send our campaign. This may sound straightforward, but in reality, this is the part where most people fail. We have to make sure that the email that our opportunity will receive will stand out in their inboxes and for that to be done, we have to create an email that will spark attention. Try to use as many personalized fields as possible in order to show that you are interested in their work and would love to work with them.

Here’s an example of an email that converts well:

Hi [first name],

I was browsing the web, trying to find some information on [topic] today when I stumbled on your article: [article title].

Loved the content! I really liked [something specific from their article].

Also, I just published a new infographic on [your topic]: [URL].

As someone that writes about [topic], I thought you’d enjoy it.

My infographic may also make a nice addition to your page. Anyways, keep it with the great content for [website] family!


As you can see, it is all about personalization and of course without a lot of effort. You should give this one a try…

Take advantage of the Broken Links Strategy

With so many blogs and websites out there, it is easier nowadays to find links that don’t work properly. As these opportunities arise, more and more SEO opportunities are created for link building.

Broken links are not a breakthrough idea. In fact, it’s been around for a long time. It’s a strategy that will always be around because the internet will always have new broken links.

But what is broken link building all about?

The principles are quite simple to understand. You browse the internet and you come across a link that doesn’t work in your niche where you have plenty of content. You get in touch with the blogger, journalist, or editor and you point out that there are broken links on their post and you offer an alternative resource with which they could replace the broken link.

As you can see it’s a win-win situation. You can have great benefits if you do this consistently. The problem is that you must have valuable content at your disposal, in order to offer them the best possible solution for their problem.

I know what you’re thinking now. “Ok, sounds good but how am I supposed to find all these links?” Here comes a tool called “Check my Links” which is a chrome extension and can make your life extremely easy. You go to the URL you want to check and run the tool. That’s it… Now you have to contact the potential partners to offer them some valuable insights about their page and propose a solution to their problem. So, what are you waiting for? Broken links are out there for you to discover them…


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Create Link Roundups

Link roundups are an excellent way to build links and a great way to network with influencers in your niche. You get the attention of other bloggers while you give back to them by offering them some attention.

The theory behind that is simple. You give love first in order to receive it. You offer them value in order to get something back from them at a later stage.

Now we have to understand how we can create the link roundups. Let’s continue…

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We have to find blogs that have a relevant topic to ours. So, here we go again with Google and search for :

Intitle: roundup “your keyword”

We find the blogs we are interested in and approach their owners.

Roundups are all about building hype on the internet, so you’ve got to remember that your outreach will have to carry some of that intrigue.

It’s as simple as that. As long as you are willing to make an effort to find and email all these professionals, asking them to be a part of that hype, you are condemned to create a successful link building campaign.

At the end of the day, creating an inspiring article full of valuable information and opinions from experts on the field will transform your post to a go-to resource that everyone would love to link back.

People love to get mentioned, and they are willing to share it, so feel free to take advantage of it.


Link building is a powerful tool in every marketer’s arsenal to create a more authoritative page. It is essential to understand that Google’s algorithm cares about the quality rather than the quantity of your links.

With all this information we discussed above, I firmly believe you can start building links if it wasn’t something that you were into, and if you were familiar with link building, you may have discovered a new way of approaching this strategy.

So what do you say? Are you ready to leverage these tips and create the next big website in your niche? Call us at +91-9205356986 or mail us at

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