As an e-commerce business, you’ll know the importance of product content writing. Not only can it make or break the sale, but it has the potential to bring in new customers. That’s why optimizing and perfecting yours is so important.
However, we know, it can seem like a hefty task – especially if you’ve absolutely no idea where to start. We’ve compiled together the seven best techniques to use, that will optimize your e-commerce product descriptions.
Following these techniques will be sure to maximize your product content writing.
Why is it important?
You might be wondering why product content is so relevant. Well, without product content writing, once a user clicks on a product, they have very little information. Though we might be becoming more spontaneous with our purchases, we still need information before buying.
Obviously, a well-written, informative product description will help buyers to make a purchase – giving that you don’t leave them with any unanswered questions. Product descriptions improve the overall customer experience and even help bring them back to your site.
In addition to this, product content writing has the ability to bring in more customers. Having an SEO friendly product content will help you to be the first item customers see when they use their search engine.
Product content writing brings in organic traffic, something that businesses ought to focus on.
Without further ado, let’s look at some of the techniques you can adopt to optimize your product writing.
1. First step: Create a buyer persona
Before you can even begin to start writing, you need to create a buyer persona. If you already have one – great. If you don’t, it’s basically a summary of your ideal customer. It’s an in-depth, individual version of your target audience, and it can really help with marketing efforts.
Buying personas will help for when you need to decide what you should include in your description. What are your particular customers looking for?
Finding out age, gender, education level, income, and interests will all change how you write your product descriptions.
For example, let’s imagine you’re selling backpacks. Depending on whether you’re targeting middle-aged businessmen, students or backpackers – the product descriptions will be different. One may focus on durability, the other may focus on price, and one on the adventure.
Knowing information about your customers, and who you want to target, is really crucial.
2. Only use the active Voice
Now that you have your target buyer figured out, it’s time to get into the writing. You should always write in the active voice, rather than the passive.
The difference between the two is simple. Active would be “Poppy drank the cup of coffee,” and passive is “The coffee was drunk by Poppy.” Though the two mean the same, they subconsciously have different effects.
The active voice has a much more direct and authoritative feel, whereas the passive voice sounds indecisive and can be confusing. In fact, copywriters often consider it one of the worst things you can do when it comes to writing.
Product descriptions should be straight to the point, targeted and simple. They shouldn’t be filled with uncertainty.
If you’re listing benefits, telling a story, or showcasing user experiences, make sure they’re all in the active voice.
There are resources online that help with detecting any writing that’s in the passive voice.
3. Be persuasive with your language and visuals
Admittedly, it can be hard to persuade customers to buy something, without sounding too much like a sales-person. Customers no longer respond to direct advertising or sales – they like to feel like it’s their own choice.
For this reason, you have to choose your words strategically. Certain words are just more persuasive than others – they’re called power words. Researching these words can ultimately maximize your product content writing.
Words like “Magic, quick, and hurry” are examples of power words. Hence while you’ll often see them on e-commerce sites. Again, this takes a little dive into market research, just to see which words will work best for your company.
When you choose your words correctly, you can increase the value of the product immediately to somebody. Ultimately, this helps make a sale.
Something else which persuades a customer – visuals. You can’t have a product without the use of pictures. You’re probably wondering how this is related to writing in any way – but you have to make sure the two complement each other.
If you explain a particular benefit in your product content writing, make sure you have a picture that supports your claim. This will help persuade the customer.
Diagrams are one of the best ways to complement your text. It helps you keep your writing short and simple, while still selling the product.
4. Focus on the user experience
Your user has to be able to envision them using the product themselves. What would their experience be like?
This is a fantastic technique, as it helps them to feel attached to a product, and even picture themselves using it. Overall, this increases the chance of a sale. Your customer will feel like they already own the product before they even buy it.
This is quite simple to do – use words like “imagine” and “picture yourself.” Touch onto what your customer needs and wants, and how the product will help with that. This also emphasizes why the passive voice should be avoided.
Use future and present tenses as much as you can – this is a mind hack that makes the user believe that they already have the product. This alongside using sensory language (integrating the 5 senses) will provide a first-hand experience.
Be extremely specific when writing your product content. Generic phases won’t provide anything to the user, and could actually put them off. Make sure you include accurate information, that people actually care about. It sounds harsh, but the e-commerce market is too competitive to be generic.
5. Always consider SEO
You’ll probably know all about SEO, at this point. You might even be sick of hearing about. However, it’s an important thing to consider when writing anything online.
As a technique, you should always consider SEO with all your product writing, as it improves how you rank on search engines. This way, if somebody searches “waterproof backpack,” for example, your site could show up – if you’ve optimized your website well.
To use SEO to your advantage, make sure you’re researching into keywords, and including them in your descriptions, title, meta descriptions, and ALT tags. Sometimes, product writing consists of a lot more than just the description.
SEO is something that takes time and practice. Take a look into your analytics, and see if it’s working for you and what you can change. Also, consider what people search – again using your buying persona for help with this.
You can consider getting help from a professional SEO service, too.
6. Avoid jargon and clichés at all costs
One thing you should avoid at all costs is clichés and jargon. A good product description is easy to understand, and shouldn’t have an array of industry jargon, or meaningless platitudes. Don’t use technical jargon, especially ones that your customer just won’t understand.
Remember, the average person doesn’t have the same industry knowledge as you. Every time that you use jargon, you’re creating a split between you and the customer – increasing the possibility of them leaving your site.
Nobody wants to enter a site, that they just do not understand. Be precise with your language, and make sure you’re using well-known simple terms.
Jenna Hyde, a senior writer at Trust My Paper told us that it’s essential to make sure to take out any clichés, while you’re picking out any jargon. Commonly used phrases lack any meaning, and usually just warrant an eye-roll from the customer. Use your own phrases and words, and you’ll be well on your way to making more sales.
7. Use your brand’s voice
Every company needs its own brand voice. Are you professional? Funny? Casual?
Once you decide, make sure it’s consistent everywhere around your site – even on your product content. Why? Because it’s your brand’s personality and voice. It helps to build a relationship between you and the customer and convinces people to buy your products.
Deciding on your brand’s voice, realistically, should be the first thought. Using this technique throughout your writing will determine your vocabulary and the tone of your writing.
If you’re an up-scale e-commerce store, using formal words and a professional voice is your brand’s voice, just as an example.
A brand’s voice can put people off a website – especially if it doesn’t align with their values and personality. For instance, a young, fresh clothing brand using formal expressions could be off-putting.
Like with everything, this involves the buying persona.
These techniques are simple, but very often forgotten in product content writing. Incorporating these methods, though it might take some practice, will undoubtedly help elevate your e-commerce business.
The key to excellent product content writing is being straightforward, persuasive, and honest. If you use the techniques above, you’ll undoubtedly begin to create powerful and compelling product descriptions.
There are professional content services, that will help you with everything regarding writing and SEO, too.
Call us at +91-9205356986 or mail us at
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