Are you preferring guest blogging as an aspect of your content marketing plan? If you are not, it is the right time to begin now. Over the years, there is been much speculation about the death of guest blogging, but the method remains the most powerful method to grow your business.

If you are in the market for gathering traffic and effective backlinks, guest blogging should be your preferred option. And while Google has publicly warned against low-quality guest posting, there is no doubt that it will remain in link-building bedrock for years to come. It assists you to increase traffic as you are able to get in front of an appropriate and relevant audience. Additionally, you establish authority and credibility by offering a valuable article and being represented on a reputed website. Once you add value through prominent guest posting services, these audiences will go to your website.

Here, you will get to know 7 tips for website guest posting success.

Top 7 Tips for Website Guest Posting Success

1. Do your homework

You should never reach a blogger with a guest post submission unless you have done proper research. Definitely, you could try the rapid-fire approach by just sending many guest posting requests, but no popular content is going to accept you. Here is the type of homework you have to do before approaching any blogger:

See if they accept guest posts – The major way to observe if a blog accepts guest posts to see if they have published any in the past. If they have, look for a page that may outline their guest posting needs.

Read their blog – Do not just go through their last blog posts. Read a few of them. Look for patterns on what their audiences like and do not like, also the type of content that performs well. You can conveniently do this by looking at social share counts basically, the higher the number, the more demanding the post was. Here, you can also take the help of a trustworthy link building company Australia.

Read comments – The perfect way to analyze what people like is by reading the comments on the blog. This will provide you a quick knowledge of what the readers respond to and what they are searching for.

Analyze their writing style – From formatting search for writing style, identify everything. This will assist you to analyze how you have to write your guest post.

Now that you have done your complete homework, you are absolutely ready to write.

2. Guest Post Should Mention Big Bloggers in Your Niche

Simply put, the fastest way to grow a new blog is to highlight other websites with big audiences in your guest post appearances. This plan, while obvious to some, has many advantages. First, it links you with those professionals. Second, if you drop a handy email or Tweet before the guest post goes live, you can tackle the awesomeness of their contact lists. The majority of the time they will at least tweet out your guest post and hence associate themselves with your content. This is also a nice bit of promotion that the host of your blog will like.

And third, it opens many gates with those bloggers. When you deliver them a guest post, they will have an idea of who you are, and will be that way more open to taking a look at what you give them.

This kind of professional networking is very beneficial if you need to have proper guest posting for SEO. People think of it as providing before receiving.

3. Determine Who Your Customers Are

Guest blogging is not going to assist you very much until you know who your audiences are. How can you accomplish your goal if you do not know where to focus?

Are you searching for grandmas living in Florida? Business owners, who want to expand their clientele base? Have some time to think about who would get the most value from your products or services, or content. Keep in mind, if you try to write for everyone, you mostly write for no one.

4. Determine Your Guest Posting Goals

As with all good marketing plans, a great guest posting plan begins with outlining your goals. Knowing what results from your expectations from your work will assist you to develop a clear guide map for getting there.

Consider what can be achieved via guest blogging and analyze which two or three goals align best with your marketing goals.

Increase brand awareness – Gather more people to understand about you and your brand.

Introduce your projects and services – Get more people to understand what you provide.

Show audiences how you can help – Gather more people to observe how your products or services or expertise can solve issues.

Improve visibility on social media – Get more people to follow and involve with you or your brand on a social media platform.

Boost SEO – Gather quality backlinks to support your off-page SEO plan.

Build industry authority – Share your knowledge to get more people to see you as a professional in your industry.

Increase traffic – Boost more traffic to your site through referral traffic.

Increase leads – Increase leads by reaching new audiences.

When you understand what you want your guest posting to achieve, it will be convenient to analyze the best guest blogging chance. Always prioritize websites that will assist you to get closer to your goals. And never ignore the powerful benefits of website guest posting.

For instance, if your aim were to boost traffic, you would not want to invest time in guest posting on a small, niche website that has low traffic. But if your aim is to establish industry authority, you may get an advantage from writing for the small, industry-specific blog.

5. Each comment should be answered or used as material

The most important thing to do when you guest post sticks around and answer each question that you get in the comments. It is in the comments section that long-lasting relationships are established with readers that you are reaching on the new blog. It is in the comments section that you improve your branding as a professional or fellow mentor or traveler.

People never tested it, but you would guess at least half of the genuine readers you get from guest posts left comments that you might have answered on the day of publication. If a comment or question is great, you can take a reference and use it as a post on your blog. Tell it in the comments section and observe how many people drop on over to see what you have done with it. This shows deeply why guest blogging is important.

6. Follow Up

Your work is not over once you give a guest post. If you need to establish a good relationship with the publisher and write for them again, follow up after your post is represented to the audience that means published. Assist the publisher to promote as well as manage the post.

Share your post on a social media platform. Engage in blog promotion share the content with your audience by posting regarding it on your social media. When possible, mention a link of the publisher’s business to show them that you are working to assist promote your content.

Respond to comments. Observe the comment section of your post. If people leave messages, follow up on a daily basis. Link to it on your site. Promote the post on your website by either linking to it on a portfolio page or writing a summary of the post with a link to the original on your post. This is also the best SEO link building method.

7. Valuable Content Trumps Mastering SEO

SEO can look very complex, but it does not have to be. If you want to take your blog very seriously, you have to know at least the basics. However, do not let it trip you up, as the content is what matters most.

Google’s algorithms may alter yearly, but one thing remains the same is the valuable content always ranks well. Keep in mind, people use Google to achieve the most valuable and relevant information, so that is what Google offers.

Doing keyword research will assist, but the majority of essential things is to consistently have valuable and appropriate content. Concentrate on the content. Do this consistently over a long time period, and Google will do the rest. It can also make a website more motivated to publish your posts, and permit you to get more shares, traffic, and engagement when you do get published. Furthermore, you can get guidance regarding guest posting through valuable SEO packages.


Now you know how guest posting can support your PR, marketing, and SEO initiatives. You also know 7 tips to make your guest posting successful. However, you always consider a professional company like LinkBuildingCorp that can help you with top-notch guest posts that will generate leads, increase your brand awareness, and bring more traffic to your website.

Contact us now to learn more or Call us at +91-9205356986 or mail us at

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