What is Google Core Algorithm Update? A Complete Guide and Recovery Tips


Google’s algorithm always undergoes some shifts just to improve user experience online. In the past 2 years, Google’s core algorithm is unlike other upgrades which have brought major significant and broad changes to the search algorithm and systems.

No updates needs to go unnoticed, and core updates get major attention because people notice their effect on search results.

When Google makes significant and broad changes to its search engine algorithm and systems the update becomes important.

After this update, trustworthy SEO experts are working highly on providing more relevant, useful, and trustworthy content.

Google core updates work at assessing content and determining what pages serve the best answers for searchers across the board.

Let’s read more about this update:

Today we’ll read:

1. What is Google Core Algorithm Update?
2. What Happens During Google Core Algorithm Update?
3. What to Do If Your Website Is Hit By Google Core Algorithm Update?
4. Tips To Recover Your Website

What is a Google Core Algorithm Update?

Google Core Algorithm Update is a major update that has a lot to do with Google search results.

With this, Google works to display the best and most relevant content for search engine users in their organic SERP listings.

Google announces core algorithm updates whenever they are making changes to their search algorithm that are large enough to will have a notable impact on search results.

To get amazing results, there is a great need to hire dedicated SEO experts that help to perform according to the algorithm changes.

The purpose of this update is to periodically alter its algorithm and reward sites that are continuously working on improving their sites.

If you are working according to get Google’s latest guidance and providing a great user experience, you will see amazing results fast.

What Happens During Google Core Algorithm Update?

When the Core Algorithm update starts performing its function, Google re-assess and re-consider which website is ranking where and for what term.

It highly depends on how much efforts you’ve put into your decision while choosing a reliable SEO specialist.

If you’ve recently been working on building out your pages, then creating informational content and linking it is highly helpful.

If you have worked on creating the best content that is useful for the audience, then you’ll see uplift from a Core Algorithm Update and your site will gets rewarded for your efforts.

So, Google Core Algorithm Update results depend on how good SEO you have implemented and how it can help you in competing for the rankings.

What to Do If Your Website Is Hit By Google Core Algorithm Update?

Every website that climbs up the rankings is highly accessed by various Google tools. If they are not following the right tactics, it has to fail.

If you’re losing out on an update, it’s just bad luck. You must look at the nature of SEO and work on implementing the right ethics that help you to bounce back.

Along with this update, Google’s major advice is to focus on building content that deserves to rank and be rewarded.

This practice can be hard but consistently creating high-quality content will make your website useful and easy to use.

If your site has got hit by this update, there is no magic wand to quickly recover.

You must identify what factors have led to such results and get guidance from experts on improving it.

Tips To Recover Your Website

When Google brought the Core Update, several sites got hit by it. If your website is the one, then you must be seeking the reasons why.

If this is the case, you must seek SEO help and work with the experts to recover your website.

It’s highly tricky and let’s see how you can improve it step by step:

1- Perform Content Audit

High-quality content is paramount and to perform better online, it is very important to work on performing a content audit.

This skill must be done after frequent intervals to check how content is performing.

Google’s major algorithm focuses on given things while looking at the content:

● A number of backlinks pointing to the site

● See how content keywords suit best to query

● Content quality and how is it unique

Content quality is really important when you are focusing on building right backlinks for SEO. This is been one of the most important aspects of SEO.

It is important to analyze every piece of content posted on your site and figure out what makes it worth it.

2- Remove Poor Content

It is very important to analyze your content as this represents a lot about your work.

There is a great need of composing, formatting, optimize, and promote the right content. If your website has poor content, then it is pretty difficult to delete it.

Erasing the content means erasing your investment, and there’s no way to recoup your losses.

You may also lose out on search ranking for whatever keyword it targets. But this is important if you want to recover your website after the major hit.

3- Improve Your User Experience

Improving the user experience is important and you must look at the expert free SEO guide that can help to guide you in a way to improvements.

Performance and presentation is the major section where Google hints to improve user experience and provide better website functionality.

Working on user experience will help you a lot to streamline your presentation while working on creating valuable content.

4- Earn More Backlinks

As everyone is focused on ranking on Google, they must know the best way to rank content based on its inherent qualities.

Backlinks are still a fundamental way that comes by creating valuable content.

To recover your website, you can get with the popular link building solutions and work on improving content and bringing in more backlinks.

Getting with professionals will help you to earn good backlinks from authority sites that work as the easiest things to work best with the update.

5- Work on your On-page SEO

You can recover in a better way if you make your content better and more accessible for readers.

For this, you need to focus on improving your on-page SEO.

Here are some ways you can work on it:

●  Ensure adding meta title to the images

●  Ensure that filenames reflect what the images are about

●  Optimize titles and keep them relevant

There is a great need to continue improving your content as poor content ranks at the top of the major SEO risks list.

You must create a consistent content strategy and perform better competitor analysis.


The above-mentioned guide will help you to see to know about Google Core Algorithm Update and ways on how you can recover from it.

If you want to make your site get rewarded while preventing inevitably ranking drop, then it is best to work with professionals.

To perform well according to the Core Algorithm Update, you must get with the experts. For assistance, contact us at +91-9205356986 or mail us at info@linkbuildingcorp.com

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Want to Level Up your SEO Skills? then must read Learn SEO for Beginners & Google Algorithm Updates
